We are excited to announce that after receiving over 200 applications from 18 countries, the Her Startup program has officially kicked off with a line up of 10 talented founders.
November 2024 Africa
We are excited to announce that after receiving over 200 applications from 18 countries, the Her Startup program has officially kicked off with a line up of 10 talented founders.
November 2024 Africa
Her Startup, an initiative aimed at addressing the challenges faced by female founders in the entrepreneurial landscape, has been launched by KSH Foundation in partnership with Tomorrow Foundation and EHA Impact Ventures. This program underscores a collective commitment to empower and support female entrepreneurs across Africa, particularly in Nigeria and neighboring West African countries.
July 2024 Lagos
Tomorrow Foundation once again accepted to support the second Geneva Summit on Africa as a Swiss-based foundation active in Africa. The event was held in the building of The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), a pioneer in the exploration of global issues with the core missions of academic research, teaching, expertise, and forum activities as they produce and...
June 2024 Geneva
Following the invitation from Junior Achievement (JA) Worldwide, Tomorrow Foundation was delighted to attend the 17th edition of the Young Entrepreneurship Celebration at the Marsa Malaz Kempinski, The Pearl in Doha. The event was organized by INJAZ Al-Arab, a member of JA Worldwide, and held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Qatar.
February 2024 Doha, Qatar
The Tomorrow Foundation participated in the 2023 JA Africa Company of the Year (COY) Competition, held in Kigali, Rwanda, from December 6 to 8, 2023. This event brought together finalist teams comprising high school entrepreneurs from 10 African countries who underwent training through the Company Program.
December 2023 Kigali, Rwanda
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28), held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023, marked a pivotal moment with its innovative global climate action format. Tomorrow Foundation supported three students to participate in the COP28 as youth delegates in Ghana's Official Party. They were selected following their participation to the national Company of the Year competition...
November 2023 Dubai
Tomorrow Foundation, a long-standing partner of the Amadeus Institute, took part in the 15th edition of the MEDAYS Forum in Tangier, held under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. This edition was attended by H.E. Azali Assoumani, President of the Union of Comoros, and H.E. Carlos Vila Nova, President of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tomé and Principe.
November 2023 Tangier, Morocco
At Tomorrow Foundation, we believe in the power of opportunities and the potential of young leaders. Today, we spotlight the journey of Isaac Kojo Yedonu Aboah, an entrepreneur and climate and sustainability consultant.
September 2023 London
The Tomorrow Foundation is thrilled to announce the champions of the 2023 National Business Pitch Competition, a prestigious event celebrating youth entrepreneurship in Ghana. This remarkable competition brought together 60 young entrepreneurs from fifteen outstanding high schools across Ghana: Legacy Girls College Aburi Girls Senior High School Northern School of Business Adonten...
September 2023 Ghana
The Italian Diplomatic Academy, associated with the United Nations DGC, and the World Council for Youth & Diplomacy, organized a conference on April 14, 2023 at the United Nations headquarters in New York under the theme “Future we want: global initiative for young leaders”. Mrs Gu, founder of Tomorrow Foundation, was invited to speak about development opportunities and international...
April 2023 New York, USA
As a historical sponsor and instigator of the award dedicated to technology and innovation, Tomorrow Foundation participated in the 12th edition of the JA Africa Company of the Year competition, the largest entrepreneurship competition for high school students in Africa. It was the great post-covid return of physical competition after two years of virtual sessions. Holding the event in person was...
December 2022 Lagos, Nigeria
Following the benevolent invitation of its Executive President and Founder Mr. Ambassador Jean-Paul Carteron, Tomorrow Foundation was invited to participate to the 2022 edition of the CRANS MONTANA FORUM which was held from November 16 to 19, 2022 at the Fairmont Hotel in Geneva.
November 2022 Geneva, Switzerland
As a historical partner of the Amadeus Institute, Tomorrow Foundation was present from November 2 to 5 at the 14th edition of the MEDAYS Forum, which takes place every year in Tangier under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, King of Morocco. The 2022 edition’s highlight was the participation of H.E. Dr. George WEAH, President of the Republic of Liberia, and H.E.M. José Maria...
November 2022 Tangiers, Morocco
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva held its first Geneva Summit on Africa on October 28th, 2022 and Tomorrow Foundation was solicited to support the event as a Swiss foundation active in Africa. The request was also touching personally the foundation as our founder is a Master graduate of IHEID.
October 2022 Geneva
On Tomorrow Foundation’s initiative and desire to enable Francophone Africa youths to become economically self-reliant, the Foundation is partnering again with JA Africa to provide financial and operational support for the implementation of the JA DEEP in Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, DRC, and Gabon which aims to equip more than 10,600 youths over four years with entrepreneurship and financial...
October 2022 Ivory Coast
On September 23, 2022, Founder and President of Tomorrow Foundation alongside President of Justice for Women - Daphna Edwards Ziman launched the initiative to create smart cities that foster women who are victims of human trafficking in Africa.
September 2022 New-York
The National Business Pitch Competition is Junior Achievement (JA) Ghana’s annual celebration of the achievements of high school entrepreneurs who have taken part in the JA Company Program. This year’s competition was organized under the heme: “Fuelling Change Makers” where students presented innovative business ideas in the areas of Agribusiness, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH),...
September 2022 Accra, Ghana
On September 15, in the context of JA Worldwide nomination for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize, our president, Maggie Gu, was invited by JA Africa to participate in a roundtable discussion on the theme “Peace Through Prosperity: How JA Africa Contributes to Peacebuilding on the Continent”. The event aimed at engaging JA Africa’s partners in a conversation to discuss the significance of...
September 2022 Global
Tomorrow Foundation launches DEEP - a Digital Entrepreneurial Educational Program in collaboration with JA Africa.
June 2022 Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, DRC, and Gabon
On the 12th of May 2022 the Israeli ambassador and the chairman of the Swiss Friendship Association of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem kindly invited our President Maggie Gu to participate in the frontier briefing and Gala dinner of the new Digital Medicine Center in Israel.
May 2022 Geneva
Astonishing numbers of African youths have been reached in Ghana and Ivory Coast despite the pandemic and are now better armed to face the future.
April 2022 Ghana & Ivory Coast
Mrs Gu accompanied an e-sports delegation of secondary school students from Nigeria with the diplomatic assistance of the Morocco Pavilion at the Expo, which is the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa that the student teams are able to participate in international competitions and exchanges, which makes this particularly significant.
March 2022 Dubai
The 11th JA Africa Company of the Year Competition is bringing together Africa’s most impressive high school entrepreneurs for this contest of business skills, ingenuity and innovation. COY 2021 will be hosted virtually by JA Mauritius under the theme ‘Innovating with Grit.’ Nine teams from Côte d'Ivoire, Eswatini, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe will...
February 2022 Mauritius
As of the 9th of November 2021, Maggie Gu has joined the newly established Digital Innovation Committee of JA Africa that has the main purpose of promoting the digital transformation agenda of the organisation.
December 2021 Accra, Ghana
We in Tomorrow Foundation are proud to announce that our Special Advisor, Amine Laghidi, received the Diplomatic Award at the 1st edition of the MD Sahara Forum in Dakhla. A wide array of prestigious individuals here met to discuss the potentials of the Southern region which represents economic opportunities and promising cooperation prospects.
November 2021 Marocco
With a significant amount of experience as youth speakers via JA and other organisations, climate leaders, and Isaac as a start-up founder of a mobility company trying to combat the rising issue of emissions, Tomorrow Foundation believed in Nadia and Isaac's shared mission and their capabilities as being magnificent representatives for the voice of the Ghanaian youth at the United Nations Climate...
November 2021 Glasgow, UK
A new batch of young Ivorian entrepreneurs has been hatched Friday the 12th of November 2021 when the team from the Lycée TSF de Bouaké high school wins the National Competition of the Year 2021 mini-enterprise program of JA Côte d'Ivoire. The team from this school presented an ecological and environmental project which will allow plastic waste to be transformed into land delimitation markers....
November 2021 Ivory Coast
Representatives from Tomorrow Foundation had the honour of partaking in the 30th Anniversary edition of The Swiss Foundation Day by proFonds in Zürich the 3rd of November 2021. The event, titled “Foundations in transition” was themed around the generational shift we’re facing, looking back upon shared achievements over the past 30 years, and also a look towards what topics we might deal...
November 2021 Zürich
Tomorrow Foundation's founder prides herself over her newest capital investment into mPharma, one of the fastest growing health tech startups in Africa. mPharma was founded in Ghana and has since 2013 been managing prescription drug inventory for pharmacies and their suppliers, delivering more affordable and accessible medicine to patients.
October 2021 Ghana
On our continuous quest to make Africa a more economically developed, politically stable and culturally confident continent, Tomorrow Foundation is thrilled to announce its newest partnership with Fondation des Deux Rivières (F2R) in Gabon with whom we share a common vision for the future of Africa.
October 2021 Gabon
Tomorrow Foundation is very proud to announce that Team Edu-Buddies from Eswatini, who won the Tomorrow Foundation Future Tech/Innovation award during the JA Africa 2019 Company of the Year final competition, and received a specific donation from the Foundation, represented Africa during the final round of the de la Vega Global Entrepreneurship Award.
June 2021 Global
The 10th JA Africa Company of the Year (COY) Competition took place online from March 25th to 27th , 2021. Teams from 11 countries, totaling 44 students, presented their business project to the jury. Signature sponsor of the event, Tomorrow Foundation was represented by its Chief Advisor M. Liban Soleman who granted the Foundation Future Tech Award.
March 2021 Eswatini
Tomorrow Foundation was the main partner of the 2020 MEdays Talks organized by the Amadeus Institute, a series of videoconferences organized from the 10th to the 17th November around the topic “In the wake of Covid-19: responses, recovery and disruption”.
November 2020 Morocco
The Founder of Tomorrow foundation was in Liberia on October 12 to meet local institutions and organizations involved in education and economic development programs to consider the development of initiatives related to youth entrepreneurship and education in the country.
October 2020 Liberia
The flagship JA Company Program supported by Tomorrow Foundation through the Futurepreneurship Program is an experiential program that teaches high school students how to start and run a business within the context of a school. Students run business enterprises under the guidance of a teacher, with support from volunteers from the business community who act as coaches and mentors. Prior to the...
August 2020 Ghana
On May 12,2020, the Amadeus Institute in partnership with the Haitian Foundation Dr Louis G. Lamothe organized a webinar under the topic “Innovations for a quick and sustainable economic recovery”, belonging to the series of seminar under the global theme “South countries facing Covid-19: from crisis management to indispensable disruption”.
May 2020 World
Tomorrow Foundation was invited to the 2nd Edition of the African Union Challenges Conference: Shaping the African Emergence, held on February 21st 2020 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Organized by the Amadeus Institute and the Italian Diplomatic Academy, the event brought together more than 200 participants and 15 speakers – experts and government representatives –...
February 2020 United States
Tomorrow Foundation was very excited to take part to the “JA Africa Company of the Year” final held in Ghana from December 4th to 6th , 2019as one of the main sponsor of the event and as member of the jury. The event celebrated youth achievement in entrepreneurship and brought together young people from different African countries who have completed training in Junior Achievement (JA)...
December 2019 Ghana
As founding donor of JA Côte d’Ivoire, Tomorrow Foundation took part to the official launch of JA Cote d’Ivoire and the Futurepreneurship Program in partnership with JA Africa on November 21st, 2019 in Abidjan. The ceremony gathered personalities including the Ivorian Minister of Youth Promotion and Employment Mr. Mamadou Touré, Mrs Chantal Pouaty representing Ivory Coast’s First Lady, JA...
November 2019 Ivory Coast
Tomorrow Foundation was present as a partner of the Amadeus Institute to the 12th edition of the MEDays International Forum organized in Tangier from November 12 to 16th, 2019 under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
November 2019 Morocco
As main partner of JA Africa for its Company Program in several African countries and sponsor of the event, Tomorrow Foundation took part to the 2019 edition of the Company of the Year Competition in Ghana on October 12, 2019. Following 16 weeks of training and mentorship under JA patronage, 14 student companies from five high schools have competed fort the Company of the Year award....
October 2019 Ghana
Tomorrow Foundation met recently Mr Brahim Fassi Fihri, founding president of the Amadeus Institute in Rabat, Morocco. Founded in 2008, the Amadeus Institute is an independent Think Tank positioned as a laboratory of ideas, a space for reflection and a creator of debate for issues related to the African continent. Expert in analyzing the global issues of the international agenda, the Institute...
September 2019 MOROCCO
Following the invitation of Junior Achievement, Tomorrow Foundation President and Founder attended the JA Europe Company of the Year Competition 2019 held in Lille, France on July 4 and 5th, 2019. The event also celebrated the 30 years of the JA Competition in Europe and JA 100 years. During these two days, our founder also attended JA Europe Board meeting as exceptional guest.
July 2019 France
Tomorrow Foundation was invited to the 2019 Caritas Award Ceremony, held on Wednesday June 12 at the KKL Lucerne. Caritas Award is granted every year to people who have accomplished extraordinary things in the social field, cooperation development or regarding inter-culturalism. Award winners are characterized by innovative and sustainable commitment for which they need political and social...
June 2019 Switzerland
As part of the 3 years education program defined with Junior Achievement Africa, Tomorrow Foundation had the great pleasure to support and take part again this year to the «Mini-Company» National Business Competition in Gabon.
June 2019 Gabon
Our founder recently took part to the 2019 UWC Changshu China Charity Auction Dinner held at the UWC school. The event brought together more than 170 people including NGO representatives, officials, founders, board members, alumni, teachers and students of UWC campus.
April 2019 China
Tomorrow Foundation is thus pleased to announce the creation of the “Tomorrow Scholarship of College of Foreign languages and Literature” at the Fudan University to support and award excellent students from the Fudan English Debating Society.
March 2019 China
Following their fruitful collaboration in 2018 for the Mini-Enterprises Business competition in Gabon and the JA Africa Company of the Year competition in Ghana, Tomorrow Foundation and JA Africa are glad to announce their partnership for a 3 year program called “Futurepreneurship”. The program funded by the Foundation focus on development of entrepreneurial skills and innovation for...
March 2019 Ghana - Gabon - Ivory Coast
Tomorrow Foundation took part to the recent “JA Africa Company of the Year Competition” held in Ghana from December 5th to 7th as one of the main sponsor of the event and as member of the jury.
December 2018 Ghana
President and founder of the Tomorrow Foundation was invited in September to a high-level dialogue at the Qingdao Forum of the East Asian Seas Cooperation Platform along with other representatives from non-governmental organizations, financial institutions such as Asian Development Bank and industry players.
September 2018 China
Tomorrow Foundation continues to support the construction of water stations in Chad and research in that field through the initiatives of the CRIPT (Centre de Recherche d’Innovation et de Production Technologique).
September 2018 Chad
Tomorrow Foundation founder was recently invited to visit UWC’s Changshu campus in China. Founded in 1962, UWC (United World College) aims at creating a more peaceful and sustainable future through an education based on cultural mix, shared learning, collaboration, and understanding.
September 2018 China
On 11 June 2018, Tomorrow Foundation partnering with Junior Achievement Gabon incubator, the Presidency of the Republic of Gabon, and other organizations, has successfully organized the “2018 Mini-Enterprises” Business Competition in Libreville, the capital of Gabon.
June 2018 Gabon
The research report authored by Tomorrow Foundation was recently published in both English and French news media.
April 2018 Global
Since January 2018, Tomorrow Foundation has been actively engaging in the national development of the Republic of the Gambia, and representatives of the Foundation have been received twice by his Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow, the President of the Gambia.
January 2018 Gambia
On September 8, 2017, the founder of Tomorrow Foundation, Ms. Gu, was received by Mr. Xavier Emmanuelli, one of the co-founders of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctor Without Borders) to exchange opinions on the roles of emerging foundations in international development.
September 2017 France
Chad, a landlocked country located in Central Africa, is one of the driest countries in the world, and accessing to water sources here has always been a huge problem for the country’s agriculture-based economy. Despite the constant water crisis, Chad is not lack of water, as it was found that the country actually had an abundant water storage under the ground.
September 2017 Chad